Monday, January 12, 2015

Tyler 11/14

we are all vessels
for the dreams
our children will become,
the guardians
of her precious hopes
expressed through broken glasses
and a few scrapes,
near perfect attendance
and a thirst for difference.
We are to nurture her
love her through every broken friendship
that moving brings
and live with her
as her interests don't match
her bookshelf.
We give her the paints
and tell her the world is her canvas,
arm her with imagination
and send her into her destiny
knowing that
growth is the best picture
she can paint
for me.
18 years
is a collection
of memories
that only we share,
a bonded friendship
wrapped in old converse
and a box full of yesterdays.
"Thank you for choosing
to come through
unto life to be
a beautiful reflection
of His grace.

we are all vessels
for the dreams
our children will become,
the guardians
of her precious hopes
expressed through broken glasses
and a few scrapes,
near perfect attendance
and a thirst for difference.
We are to nurture her
love her through every broken friendship
that moving brings
and live with her
as her interests don't match
her bookshelf.
We give her the paints
and tell her the world is her canvas,
arm her with imagination
and send her into her destiny
knowing that
growth is the best picture
she can paint
for me.
18 years
is a collection
of memories
that only we share,
a bonded friendship
wrapped in old converse
and a box full of yesterdays.
"Thank you for choosing
to come through
unto life to be
a beautiful reflection
of His grace.

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