Thursday, January 15, 2015

Observations 10/14

observations make the best poetry,
your momentary perspective
crumbled like a used napkin
and tossed away,
as you sit
losing composure
in a moment
where the joke isn't on you
and the funny person
is clueless.
Poetry gives a new voice
to a tired lecture,
a dull meeting,
a class on the edge of dismissal,
by catching
the little interests
and stretching them
into lines,
rather than seconds.
point out the squares in this circles,
buttressing the syllabus
to whatever you think is important
while wrinkled faces
sink into laughter.
Poetry allows me to give you
some funny,
make you smile,
and tuck it in your pocket;
this piece is the one you'll remember
when your days get too long,
dragging worse than worn out converse,
and Starbucks won't get you through.

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