Monday, January 12, 2015

Shhhh 11/14

your life is whispering
behind the lies you told yourself
and in between the pages
of the book you've yet to finish.
It's sitting there,
ignoring all of the things you labelled as mistakes,
waiting for you to take her hand
and just breathe,
accept this moment
and move to next.
Life didn't ask to walk
under the umbrella of ignorance;
she just dances in the rain.
Life wears accomplishment
the same way she does failure,
with flair,
b/c boring doesn't befit her best.
Choose life everyday,
even when it's only
waving in a blade or grass
or smiling in child.
Choose her.
She's chosen you
to hear her voice
beyond missteps
and circumstances,
through every decade,
and she's still there
Are you ready to live?

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