Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Expect Poets
to write the loudest verses
set to the songs the streets sing
in 4.5 minutes
silently stretching fm Portland to Peoria.
Pulease, don't ask me to keep my peace,
the crumbs of the American pie
you stained upon my face
and pretended that my blood
was a different shade of red
while forgetting that intelligence
is as inbred as ignorance.
Expect People
to wear more than slogans on t-shirts.
They hoist rhetoric to the skies
letting it wave
like the flag that's supposed to unite us,
tattered and torn.
Pulease, don't ask for my sympathy,
the wellspring of mixed emotions
mocked, chopped and screwed,
left on the table
for none to drink.
Expect Players
to politic elixirs and play pawns,
replicating moves so quickly
until the losers forget how to do so
or if it matters.
Pulease, ask me what matters,
not the what, when or why
making me define existence
by 6 letters and everything outside your experience,
and I will tell you;

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