Thursday, January 15, 2015

Apology 10/14

Let me begin with an apology
to all the young women
who've taken solace in my advice;
listen up.
I'm sorry that I told you not to own your beauty
to dress in ways that make you feel less
b/c we failed to teach boys that we are more than
the collection of skins and curves they see.
I'm sorry we forgot to teach you that self defense is sacred
b/c you are sacred
and you deserve nothing but the best.
I'm sorry that I never told you that being bold
may cost you your womanhood
a price you should never have to pay
just be heard
without being labelled
a victim
a bitch
that girl.
I'm sorry that we still have to chose between the dime lifestyle
and a PhD
b/c society doesn't value the magic we bring
and how our presence enhances
I'm sorry that I had to use my her-story as a weapon in your arsenal;
I needed you more armed and dangerous
than me,
standing in this conudrum
where violence validates instead of violates,
hoping you see my tears.

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