Thursday, January 15, 2015

Everyone is Thirsty 10/14

Everyone is thirsty.
I don't fit everyone's palate,
and the way I taste
ain't made for everyone's lips.
Some folks need chapstick,
lip gloss,
anything to fill the cracks
where my gifts won't go,
when it's a $2
daily fix
and you're too lazy
to invest in yourself.
My gifts
often get confused
for the dollar store brand
b/c I'm not afraid to sit on the shelf,
hiding behind
other liquids
you may call your favorites.
like my personality,
can't be bought and sold.
I'm bubbly by design,
better than any champagne,
but still need to be sipped slowly
and thirsty people don't drink that way.
They gulp,
inhaling your gifts
like a slurpee;
all they want is a brainfreeze.
My gifts aren't some ever ready

artificially flavored
that comes in various sizes,
gushing out to everyone
and everything.
Don't come at me
like dust inhabits your mouth
and I am better than any Coke,
b/c, even after a taste,
you will only want more
and I can't be wasted.
My gifts can't even cross your desert,
refusing to walk through
miles and miles of what you don't have
to get nowhere?
Your sand dunes
can only handle my mirage.
Thirsty people
expect you to fill their favorite cups
replenish canteens
and pour yourself all over them
like they didn't pay the water bill
or worse don't have one.
And they think dehydration
is way of life;
I couldn't fill you if I tried.

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