Monday, January 12, 2015

Non Indictment 11/14

Non-Indictment: My Poetry response to Darren Wilson's Verdict. ‪#‎Ferguson‬
I have brothers, little cousins, and nephews
from chocolate to latte
all different hues,
boys to men
is more than a 4 part philly sound
and it's far less than too many bullet rounds.
I ache for the streets
where children can't play
b/c they've been in the sun too long today
and they grow up fearing blue,
blue lights,
blue uniforms
and fearing you too.
What kind of place
demonizes innocence
before it takes a first step
b/c you think black life
needs to be kept in check?
Now, I have to take back
all those dreams I gave my kids
and tell them how to live?
Make them swallow what's left
of self worth
in exchange for step n fetchit
sans the hurt?
GTFOOH with that foolishness!

 My children are not here to pass some test,
a litany of lies
dedicated to who?
See, I ain't the one
and I know the truth.
My humanity
can't be contained
by slave owners names
and legislation
that fears my power
b/c we stand taller,
even in this dreadful hour,
mourning and singing,
praying and ringing.
The revolution
will not be televised.
You'll be lucky if you get a clip.
My little brothers, cousins and nephews
ain't dying in vain.
We ain't on that trip.
Ferguson to Chicago,
Seattle to LA,
watch what happens
over the next few days.
Constructed Chaos
and organized confusion
together wield the greatest illusion
and give back
the medicine we didn't solicit.
We won't miss it.
Thank you for the lessons.
The rest
is up to us
we are better students
than you anticipated.
It's too late.
My brothers, nephews and cousins
are at the gate,
armed with more than machine guns

 standing watch,
b/c they know ‪#‎blacklivesmatter‬.

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