Thursday, January 15, 2015

Parenting 10/14

Parenting is
making your childhood relevant
to your own children,
so they aren't afraid to walk
outside of your shadow,
in the most painfully loving way you know how;
re-telling your battle scars
without the middle school embellishments
while still feeling the sting.
Talking to your children
as if they truly understand where you were,
the smell of the halls
and the sounds of those voices,
so they won't have to hear them.
Your children have their own pendulum of dreams,
daily being fostered and crushed
in schools across america
and there's nothing you can do about it;
growing up isn't easy.
Letting them decode the world
according to the gated community perspective
you've given them
is a greater disservice
than stopping,
every once in a while,
and telling them how great they truly are.
in these terse and restless times,
children need to know
they are loved;
the absence of love is fear.
In an honest world,
children will see beyond
what we fear most
and love us anyway,
b/c our stories have become
a part of their cadences,
as they march to be parents

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