Monday, January 12, 2015

I react in Poetry 10/14

I react in poetry,
lines of symbolism
and metaphors meant
to give you a moment of my time.
You only get a glimpse,
less than an observation
but more than a conversation,
of what makes me tick,
ticks me off,
offends me
even makes me smile.
A poet is walking intersectionality,
always meeting where the layers collide,
brave enough to give it voice
and wait for you to hear
what you think
about you,
about me,
about anything really.
I am beyond a lyric,
a limerick or line,
b/c I embody
the breadth of work
called life
written out
on blank canvases,
social media posts
and empty notebook pages,
birthed in a cypha
laden in underground tracks
and impromptu performances.
Poetry is the prism
where my soul dances
swallowing the moonbeams' sweetness;
Poetry is my light within

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