Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Next lifetime is now 06/09

Advanced degrees
instruct us
to circumnavigate
for the fallacy
of the American Dream,
wrapped between
demented egos
and too many years
in the ivory tower,
where innocence
is kicked
and dreams
all but forgotten.

I was fueled only
by the painted lines
leading away fm the pain,
determined to drift
as far away fm myself
as a bottle at sea.
I moored upon educated shores,
desperate to dissapate
into the city's heartbeat.

And I succeed,
I drowned,
I choked on leadership
and swallowed the causes
that became my life's blood,
a mission
with half a heart,
but enough where passion
eeked through
and what little was left of me

Scattered attempts,
a mosaic of of naysayers,
glitter the past 18 years
like a turning kalaidescope,
and decorate the tiled path
of my return
to me,
to the music,
and the freedom
of my own skin.

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