Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy New You 01/15

Faith isn't that
one size fit all
dress that looks good
on the mannequin
but somehow is baggy on you.
See you forgot to do the work,
tighten it up,
make it do what it do
for your body
and not that plastic model
created for no other purpose.
I thought you were beautifully and wonderfully made,
uniquely created
and birthed to do
a newer and grander thing?
Birth threatens life,
almost killing the canal,
and it takes work to get
that prenatal body back,
but you'd sit and wait
for sweat equity
to build in your bankruptcy?

Say goodbye to all those recurrent dreams
and laid out business plans
that interrupt your sleep
so you can say hello to whatever crumbs
they give you of the American pie.
Say goodbye to vacations you haven't taken
when all you do is collect brochures.
No Vision boards,
No savings fund,
just a cyclic conversation
created to feed you
I'm not jealous
of your almost this
and might have that.
My dreams don't even answer to that
b/c my living is designed,
daily manifesting my best,
evolving into the greatest purpose I can be;
I'm a vessel,
emptied and filled by the community
that constantly creates,
lovingly supports,
and beautifully strengthens
all 5'4 inches
without apology,
but I'm not that vessel,
not be tattered,
or tripped over

 when you didn't see my works,
the ground I broke,
the seeds I planted,
the fruit you will not eat.
This is my tree,
rooted in something greater
than fb posts,
stretching with experiences
from LA to Atlanta
and you have no tools
to even reach,
b/c that's too much work.
Where's your faith?
It should've been in me

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