Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Epitaph of Me

I’ve wasted time
Working to live out
Other’s dreams and expectations,
Pushing the envelope,
Hoping they were right
And that heartbroken battle scars
Will fade even more with time.

I am seemingly fragile,
Small-framed and thin-blooded,
Until you define me by can’t or shouldn’t,
Words worn thin
Under 115 lbs of pressure.
And, I live reactively,
Proving that my box
Is a springboard.

But, who wants to live like that?
Constantly waiting for the next set of no’s,
When we can actually chose our yes’s,
That wonderful well-fitting dress on sale,
Without hesitation or guilt.

Without the weight of disappointed eyelids
Or authority’s smirk,
I can run into me,
Hang out with my preferences,
Validate my own reflection
And continue to write my story
As I see fit:
I have the pen.

So, I chose to write hew pages,
Draw new pictures,
In a collection of experiences
Only I can call MY life,
Not my epitaph,
Beyond the yellowed, worn, and re-read faded ink.

B/c the magnitude of your presence
Needn’t write another word
Nor wrap around me,
Suffocate me in otherness
Instead of drowning me
In the softness of my own slumber.

This is me,
Crawling with habituation and angst,
Dragging my knees
Against my own concrete jungle,
My ivory tower,
Until the bricks bleed my story
And you weep my tears.

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