Monday, July 26, 2010

Same Path, different Rocks

Amazingly, transformation comes not when we work at it. It happens when we learn that the trees have shadows and these shadows look like something new. They aren't. Our lives are as cyclic as the seasons, but we fail to recognize the patterns. When we choose not to see, we choose to continue the cycles we so desperately yearn to be free of.

The body demands a certain level of exercise, rest, and fuel to function. It seems like we have, at some point, pushed our concepts to eat more or less, run farther or be stronger. When we make changes to the normal routine, the body adjusts. As we age, we do not recover as well. Aging teaches us how to appreciate who we can and can't reasonably do.

Working out is a transformation of the same body we were born with. Nothing about our bodies physical make up changes. IT's not like we grow new muscles. We just use what we have differently and more intensely. The muscles do grow, but they will retract to thier original size if we don't use them.

I've had seasons where taking care of my body was priority and others where taking care of others took precedence. When I allow anything else to distract me fm me, my body lets me know with semblences of dis-ease, often labelled as fibromyalgia. It manifests into asthma and other infections. My nails break an d I begin to lose my voice. Foods that I enjoy now cause allergic reactions.

If we subscribe to the theory that there's nothing new, just a new approach and that dis-ease has a pyscho-emotional root, then the path will never change. The rocks now have new shadows but are the same rocks we saw last year or 20 years ago.

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