Thursday, February 3, 2022

Poetry isn't a microagression

A Gathering of writers

Brady bunch tile squared

looks like a Masters class

wading intersectionality

gasping for craft

inside the cannon

yet outside of familiar

A gathering of writers

examining voices 

they consume and shelve

purchasing bodies

of work

validated by prizes

and not presence.

Yet, I am here.

A gathering of writers

who never had to work twice as hard

to get half as far

they reside in varied privileges

with suburban sunsets

and off grid saviorism

they swill mugs full of words

expansive explanations

wrought with everything wrong.

The room is oozing with assumptions

mediocrity made payable in private loans

baited breathes are frosty

getting that colonialism smear

on class discussions

peer reviewed and praised

The room is oozing with assumptions

usurping stories for the remix

fucking up the cadence

with defiance and defense

stepping over real living

with a bullhorn

painted in by an Adam

who's genes can be traced to Africa's Eve.

A gathering of writers

waves a brave flag

contains safety in the exchanges

Lowering the ickiness

to taste like a sour patch kid

or a mouthful of poprocks

A gathering of writers

crackles and pops

wrestling with perception

roping the steer

bred to forget it's girth 

and weight;

ink and soil and bull's skin is Black.

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