Saturday, November 4, 2017

A Hustle's Hiatus

Learning to navigate social media spaces is like going shopping. As you get older, you know which stores fit and which don't. Some styles work. Others don't. Today, of all days, I decided to come back into this space. It was created with intent. It was intended to be a peak into my journey as a poet. It became that coffee shop I visited every once in a while. I like the coffee. I just never made the effort to stop by. It's been well over a year.

Since my last post, so much has happened with me. Awards and travel all related to poetry. It's been rather exciting. I have been recognized nationally for the work I do with "Poetry boxes". I update my facebook pages more often, out of convenience, than here. But, it's time to write. I am actually participating in a virtual awards ceremony today and a play. Yes, life has been amazing.

Now, it's time to actually write. I came back here to give myself the space to craft, to build the 2nd book. I came back here to center myself. Fame, whether local or national, is delusional. It feeds the ego in ways that crack can never. I truly don't intent to be that hamster. I need out of that wheel.

I changed the title of my blog. It's where I am now. It's where I have been. Prodigals run.They are constantly looking for "home", acceptance, peace, etc. Black women are know to fight, to run, to lead and to die looking for themselves in spaces where they aren't meant to be. This is beyond a seat at the the table. This is working the music of my life, juxtaposing the clashes until I find the beauty in the whole symphony. That's why it's Black Prodi-Gal.

Today is my mother's birthday. No coincidences.

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